The Power of Look-a-like reports
- Most people who send direct mail pick a few categories like age, gender, income, location, etc. and then hope some of those people will be their customer. This can work on a certain level but you will often be left disappointed with a low response rate. You will have a far greater response if you generated a look-a-like report, if you haven’t done this then you are missing out on valuable customer information.
- A look-a-like-report is like combining every single one of your customers into a single person. This report analyzes all of your customers and determines what they have in common with each other.
- Not just age, gender, etc. but OVER 1,300 data points. Once I have determined exactly who your ideal customer is, I can generate a mailing list of people who also share all of these same traits.
- This means you can send hyper focused direct mail to people who have a statistical FAR higher chance of being your customer. This detailed report is the end all be all “customer profile” that you can then use to base all of your advertising on.

Give Direct Mail the chance it deserves.
I can help you craft an irresistible offer and send it to the right people who have a higher chance of needing that offer.